Corporate Social Responsibility
Conducting our business responsibly is not just the right thing to do, it also enhances our business reputation and performance.
It is about achieving a balance. As a business we need to make profit to be sustainable, however it should be achieved responsibly, taking the needs of our People and our planet into consideration.
Because better business, is better for everyone.
Economic Responsibility
We are driven by customer satisfaction, service and quality, we therefore:
- Operate economically so that our price is right
- Deliver on time so that we demonstrate that we are reliable
- Match quality to demand so that customers get what they want
Our success provides security of employment, partnerships with customers and suppliers, long-term profitability, and return on investment for our shareholders.
Quality Management
Our Quality Assurance Management system gives confidence to the business and its customers that it is able to provide products that consistently fulfil requirements. Our Integrated Management System provides the framework to deliver customer satisfaction and to improve current levels of service to customers and other interested parties. These measurements ensure compliance with the international standard BS EN ISO 9001.
Business Continuity Plan
We have a Business Continuity Plan in place to minimise any event that could negatively impact operations such as supply chain interruption, and we have processes and procedures to reduce the risk of these impacting on our business. This plan helps us to remain a trusted partner to the UK building industry ensuring stability of supply meets our client’s expectations.
Environmental Responsibility
The Company believes that it has a responsibility to its customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders to base its commercial activities on sustainable resources and without having an adverse effect on the environment.
Our aims are to:
- reduce this impact through basing our commercial activities on sustainable resources
- prevent pollution
- improve our environmental performance
- undertake initiatives to improve greater environmental responsibility
- encourage the development and implementation of environmental friendly technologies
- achieve and exceed legal and regulatory standard
These aims have resulted in DTE achieving ISO14001 accreditation. We aim to achieve certification in all businesses.
Wood is nature’s own material. As trees grow, they help reduce climate change by absorbing and storing CO2 away. Wood helps reduce climate change when used instead of other more energy-intensive materials (i.e. steel or plastic) or as biomass energy instead of fossil fuels. Wood has obvious advantages over other materials: It has the potential to regenerate and is therefore renewable, waste can be reused, it can be recycled, is biodegradable and non-toxic.
We recognise that timber, as a building material is a truly renewable resource when properly managed.
As a company, we have systems and procedures in place to comply with the following legislation and Chain of Custody Schemes.
- European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR)
- Timber Trade Federations Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP)
- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
Social Responsibility
Being able to sell a good quality and sustainable products on time isn’t enough. We need to ensure that we conduct our business with integrity, and this is demonstrated through our social responsibility.
Health and Safety Legislation
The health, safety and welfare of our employees, suppliers and customers is something we take very seriously at Donaldson’s.
We are committed to ensuring that our products and processes allow our stakeholders to return home from work in the same condition they arrived. Our policy is to do all that is reasonable and practicable to prevent personal injury, and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards – including the public.
We have policies and procedures in place to comply with all relevant Health and Safety legislation, and we annually review our health and safety policy.
Equal Opportunities Policy
We respect different cultures and we respect people as individuals, and we oppose all forms of unfair or unlawful discrimination or harassment.
We ensure that all individuals are treated equally and fairly and decisions regarding recruitment and selection, training, promotion and career development are based on objective criteria. Therefore, the Equal Opportunities Policy aims to prevent as far as possible any acts of direct or indirect discrimination or harassment against any individual or groups on the grounds of age, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or disability.
Modern Slavery Act 2015
We will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery, human trafficking, or who’s activities breach the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We carry out an annual risk assessment and audit within our supply chain, and train our employees within the James Donaldson Group Limited companies to ensure that we comply with, and promote this act in line with current legislation.
Bribery Act 2010
We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, wherever we operate. We will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption, including the Bribery Act 2010, in respect of our conduct both at home and abroad.
Community Involvement
All businesses affect the communities in which they operate. Responsible businesses have for many years invested in society, but investment can take many forms eg. Financial support/donation, goods, or the time and expertise of their employees. Companies can concentrate on issues that relate to their business or look to make a difference elsewhere.
Community Projects
At a local level, we support local individuals, clubs, and charitable donations. This includes sponsorship of local childrens football teams, donations to raffles, etc.
Trade Associations
As a company, we invest our time, knowledge and experience with Trade Associations. As the trusted voice of the industry, trade associations provide a wide range of technical and commercial information – allowing small and medium sized organisation access to solutions that were not previously readily available.
Donaldson’s have actively participated in trade associations since the early 1930’s.
Over the generations, Donaldson’s have actively participated with the following Trade Associations:
- Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA)
- Timber Trade Federation (TTF)
- Scottish Timber Trade Association (STTA)
- Trussed Rafter Association (TRA)
- Wood Preservation Association (WPA)
- Structural Timber Association (STA)